Therapeutic Interventions Based on Lived Experience

QED Mental Health Counseling serves Ontario by combining personal understanding with professional expertise. Having first-hand experience with Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, ADHD/Autism, BFRBs, Depression, PTSD, Chronic Illness, Immigrating, LGBTQAI2S+ related concerns, and more, M Jaro has been the patient and knows what it takes to conquer and thrive in the face of these challenges

50% of treatment outcome is based on how supported and comfortable your therapist makes you feel. Book a consultation now to see if we’re a good fit!

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a cat reaching for a toy while reclining on a couch
Mental Health Resources

A Neurodivergent Deep-Dive on Neurodivergent Assessments

When I was getting my own various diagnoses on the neurodivergent front it was when[…]

Mental Health Resources

The Price of Reassurance

Why you should stop asking if everything is okay, and/or constantly apologizing Cruelly enough, nearly[…]

A cat looking very shocked
Mental Health Resources

Exposure and Response Prevention

How OCD’s Gold Standard therapy works, and examples of what it can be like to[…]